The second volume appears as a separate book on the publisher's website
Over a number of years I edited a series of books for the Canterbury press based on the life of the Church in South London. To fill the gap at the end there's a chapter in someone else's edited collection.
Clergy from around South London reflect on a wide variety of aspects of the Church of England parish.
A variety of individuals in South London parishes reflect on their gifts and ministries.
Ordained Local Ministry is a distinctive style of ordained ministry in the Church of England. Ordained Local Ministers, and others related to their ministries, reflect on their experience.
A variety of individuals around South London reflect on the ways in which the Church relates to new and changing communities.
A variety of Christians around South London reflect on the ways in which they work with people of other faiths. Each chapter concludes with responses from people of other faiths involved in the projects and relationships discussed.
The 2002 book that this book was designed to replace contained no chapter on religious advantage and disadvantage. It is not insignificant that such a chapter was requested for this volume published in 2016.