
Philosophy, Basic Income, and religious and faith-based organisations

A diverse collection of books by a single author. Comment welcome.

Actological explorations

There are now four volumes in the Wipf and Stock 'Actological explorations' series: Actology: Action, change and diversity in the western philosophical traditionMark's Gospel: An actological readingActological Readings in Continental Philosophy; and An Actology of the Given.

Is reality beings that change, or actions in patterns? Both ideas can be found during the past two and a half thousand years of western philosophy, with 'beings that change' being the dominant narrative. In our diverse and changing world, it might be time for a change: to seeing reality as actions in patterns, or perhaps as actions in changing patterns. The first book in the 'Actological explorations' series, Actology, charts the thin 'action' philosophical stream as it winds its way through history, the second, Mark's Gospel, offers an actological reading of the text; the third, Actological Readings in Continental Philosophy, asks how an understanding of reality as action in changing patterns might shed new light on the works of a number of continental philosophers; and the fourth, An Actology of the Given, explores a number of philosophers' texts - and particularly Jean-Luc Marion's - along with the biblical tradition and anthropology, in order to study the particular pattern of action that we call 'giving'.
Visit the Actology page

Basic Income

A Basic Income is an unconditional income for every individual. Pictured is my most recent book on the subject, A Research Agenda for Basic Income (Edward Elgar, 2023). On the 'Basic Income' page you will find 

  • this research agenda;
  • a history of the idea (Edward Elgar, 2021), now out in paperback;
  • a general introduction to the subject, Why we need a Citizen's Basic Income (Policy Press, 2018), which has replaced Money for Everyone (Policy Press, 2013); 
  • a multidisciplinary study, A Modern Guide to Citizen's Basic Income: A multidisciplinary approach (Edward Elgar, 2018), now out in paperback;
  • a shorter paperback, 101 Reasons for a Citizen's Income (Policy Press, 2015); 
  • a book about those aspects of the global Basic Income debate about which there is most debate: Basic Income: What, why and how? (Palgrave Macmillan, 2022);
  • a book designed for the churches, Citizen's Basic Income: A Christian social policy (Darton, Longman and Todd, 2016); 
  • a book all about feasibility: The Feasibility of Citizen's Income (Palgrave Macmillan, 2016); 
  • an edited collection, The Palgrave International Handbook of Basic Income (Palgrave Macmillan, 2019); 
  • and also some research papers, and chapters in edited collections. 
Visit the Basic Income page

Religious and faith-based organisations

Until a few years ago, study of the characteristics and management of religious and faith-based organisations was a long-standing interest. Other tasks have intervened, and I have not contributed to this field since 2016: but the books here might still be useful. Pictured is the second volume of the two volume Managing Religion: The management of Christian religious and faith-based organisations (Palgrave Macmillan, 2014). 

Visit the religious and faith-based organisations page

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